Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт физиологии, биохимии и питания животных – филиал Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения «Федеральный научный центр животноводства – ВИЖ имени академика Л.К. Эрнста»
Problems of Productive Animal Biology (since 2007) is a continuation of the Bulletin of the Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition of Farm Animals, Borovsk, Russian Federation (since1967), publicating results of experimental research, reviews and methodological articles in the fields of physiology, biochemistry, nutrition, reproduction, animal breeding and genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology of farm animals.
Authors may submit the full paper on disc or as an e-mail attachment ( Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. ), or two printed copies of the manuscript may be sent to the Editorial Secretary of the Journal. Authors of accepted papers are required to supply a copy of the final version as a Word document.
Authors should consult a recent issue of the Journal to familiarize themselves with Journal convention and layout. Presentation of part of the paper elsewhere should be referenced on the Journal.
The paper should generally be divided as follows.
Title should be clear, descriptive, not too long but explanatory of the purpose of the paper. Authors names with initials and place where the work was carried out and e-mail address of corresponding author should be given. Introduction. The aim of the investigation and hyphothesis should be given along with a brief review of previous relevant work with references. Materials and Methods section should contain information on sources of all materials, strains of animals and microorganisms. The methods and materials used should be stated in sufficient detail to permit the work to be repeated if desired. Only new techniques need be described in detail but known methods should have adequate references with eventual modifications. Results should be as concise as possible, without repetition or inclusion of irrelevant material. The Discussion should not repeat the results but discuss their significance. A separate conclusion is not necessary but authors should summarize their main conclusions briefly.
Statistical treatment. Procedures of statistical analysis and the tests used should be clearly described. Statements that two groups of values are different should be supported by the level of significance involved, as a single or range of P values: (P=0.008) or (P<0.001).
Tables should carry headlings enabling them to be understood without reference to the text. Any abbreviations should be defined. The use of *, ** etc. should be limited to indicating levels of significance.
Illustrations. Figures such as graphs must be supplied in an edible file format, such as Excell. The use of histograms and bar graphs should be restricted, as the information can be often be better presented in a table. Photographs should be glossy black and white prints accompanied by a legend.
References should be given in the text as: (Van Soest et al., 1982) or (Sundstøl, Coxworth, 1984). When several references appear together in the text, cite them in chronological order and alphabetically within years. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references alphabetically according to authors surnames following the text of the manuscript. When an article has more than ten authors, only the names of the first three should be given followed by et al. The following system for arranging references should be used:
for papers in periodicals:
Quigley J.D., Kost C.J., Wolfe T.M. Absorption of protein and IgG in calves fed acolostrum supplement or replacer. J. Dairy Sci., 2002, 85(5): 1243-1248;
for papers in edited volumens, symposia proceedings, special issues of periodicals, etc.:
Van Soest P.J., Sniffen C.J., Martens D.R., Fox P.G., Robinson P.H., Kirenamoońhy U. A net protein system for cattle: The rumen submodels for nitrogen. In: F.N. Ovens (Ed.). Proc. Intern, Symp. Prot. Requir. Cattle. Oklahoma State University, 1982: 265-279;
for books and edited volumes:
Lim C.E., Webster C. D. Tilapia: Biology, Culture and Nutrition. The Haworth Press, 2006, 678 p.;
for multi-authors books:
Sundstøl F., Coxworth E.M. Ammonia treatment. In: (F. Sundstol, E. Owen, Eds). Straw and other fibrous by-products as feed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984: 196-247.
Different publications having the same author(s) and year should be distinguished by a,b,c etc. immediately following the year of publication. Abbreviation of the titles of periodicals should be in accordance with International List of Periodical Title World Abbreviations, otherwise full name of periodicals should be given.
Units of measurement. All units of measurements must follow the SI system. The concentration of solutions should be given as molar concentration.
Abstract, 150-250 words, should give the major objectives, methods, main results and conclusions.
Key words up to 6-8 key words must be selected from the list provided from Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux Thesaurus.